Oxy Sensor P/N

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 14 04:43:45 EST 2001

--- Lawrence C Leung <l.leung at juno.com> wrote:
> Hello List:
> My web browser's not up, so can't search the
> archives. So, does anyone
> know the P/N for the generic 3 - wire Oxy Sensor (I
> think it was meant
> for a Ford Mustang 5.0)? Also, do you have any ideas
> on how long they
> last compared to the Bosch (or aren't they made by
> Bosch anyway?)?

Bosch or Hitachi.  Ford USED to use alot of Hitachi
electronics.  I haven't seen anything but Bosch for
the last 10 years.  My 5.0 dorF truck uses the
identical O2 sensor but with a short wire loom, about
10 inches.  All you need is a longer loom.  Maybe 24
inches?  Any parts store probably knows the p/n by
heart.  Maybe try Autozone, they have Bosch sensors
and they're cheap.

Jim Accordino

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