4kq distributor vacuum advance replacement--info needed

Derek quattro at telocity.com
Fri Jul 13 09:52:41 EDT 2001

> Is this replacement just a simple "pull out," or must I first remove the
> distributor and/or the trigger plate?

I removed the distributor when I replaced mine.  Once I had it off, it looks
like it could be done on car but you would have a hard time seeing what
you're doing.
Lemmie see if I can remember how it went, it's been about a year...

*Set motor to TDC.  remoive cap / vaccum line.  Remove one nut holding
clamp, then pull / twist to remove.  This is somewhat easier when the motor
is warm.
*I think there are two screws holding the vacuum advance canister to the
distributor.  Remove.
*With the advance canister loose you can pull it away from the distributor
and see the metal actuator rod inside.  This rod has a hole in the end that
slides over a pin inside the distributor.  I don't think there's anything
holding it on but friction.  You should be able to wiggle it off the pin and
remove.  This is a poor description, but it'll be apparent once you're in
*assemble in reverse order.  1 new paper gasket required for distributor to
*Install with the rotor pointing towards the mark on the side of the
*check and set timing to preference (I think 6degrees btdc is stock)

Hope this helps.

-Derek L.
2 x 4000q
16v GTi

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