Imagine ... Audi helping owners of older Audis with part searches

TM t44tq at
Mon Nov 19 16:17:24 EST 2001

You know- those guys are f'in a-holes.

Anyone who is crazy enough to spend tons of money on an old Audi
that's worth very little should be worthy of respect, if not
admiration for taking on a lost cause. :-)

Besides- short of an S4tt or an A6 2.7T, nothing that is currently
sold can keep up with a 200q20v or an UrS. That is not the case in
Europe, but you get the idea.

The BMW dealer is even funnier- the salesguy thought I was crazy
when I informed him that his $44k 330xi cannot keep up with my 200
and that as such, I would only consider a 540xi or an M3/M5x if and
when they are built. :-)

The sales staff should know not to burn bridges with potential
customers, ever.


-----Original Message-----

>At least some of the Audi salespeople know what my car is when I visit
>the dealer.

They laugh at my '78. They think my beautiful '88 90q is a heap. These
don't earn them money, so they're not interested...


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