most expensive nuts in the world?

StevieK1 at StevieK1 at
Wed Nov 21 23:39:43 EST 2001

In a message dated 11/21/2001 11:27:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,
kbogach at writes:

<< I was shocked a little when I was quoted $10 a piece for the nuts which
 hold a turbo on EM (4 nuts needed). What is so special about them?
 Other nuts in the same area cost mush less. Are there alternatives to
 this "dealer only item" ? Part # is: 035-145-749.

 Konstantin Bogach

I can top that one. How about a 6 inch steering hose for my 1990 V8Q coming
in at $245!!!

Steve K.
1990 V8Q 152k
Rockville, MD

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