DIY Turbo using diesel bits?

alan pritchard alanthecelt at
Sat Nov 24 13:58:17 EST 2001

hmm, i believe that using a dielsel turbo of an equivalent sized engine is
viable, although said deisel may only be designed to rev to say - 4500
whilest your petrol 5 will rev happily to 7000 (in the red), therefore you
will in theory be spinning the turbo outside its designed range, it may be
ok, chances are it will be slightly less efficient, id use it, but i may get
flamed!!! as for the manifold....  i dont know, but hey, the lot for 30
quid... you cant go wrong ( i paid 30 quid for a metro turbo, turbo a few
weeks ago).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Mole" <mole at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 2:08 PM
Subject: DIY Turbo using diesel bits?

> Hi all,
> I'm sure there was a recent reference to this but can't
> locate anything in the archives. Had someone used
> turbo-diesel bits and low boost on an otherwise
> unmodified N/A I5?
> The reason I ask is that there is a 100 Avant TD in
> my local breakers, the guy wants 30UKP for
> everything: intercooler, blower, pipes etc.
> Does this sound viable or just more bits for the
> corner of the garage? I'll be having the I/C regardless
> as a spare for my Capri turbo but need to know if
> the exhaust manifold in particular can go on a N/A I5.
> Regards
> Brian

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