Need some subframe bushings and solid engine mounts fabricated

passat TS passat_ts at
Mon Oct 8 17:57:39 EDT 2001

I can't say for the engine mounts, but check with the Sprongl's 
I know they used to make solid aluminum sub-frame bushings.

Back to the engine mounts, are you sure you want solid mounts for rallying. 
What would happen in a "yump"?
I risk to say that you might want some shock absorbing on your mounts.

But what do I know?

Good luck and let me know about your findings, I'm building a CGT for G2 and 
we share these parts.


>From: "Penasack, Tim" <Tim.Penasack at>
>To: "Quattro (E-mail)" <quattro at>
>Subject: Need some subframe bushings and solid engine mounts fabricated
>Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 11:50:37 -0400
>Anybody have some experience with this?  Its going into the Wazoo racing 
>winter project - an MC motor.
>Since I am writing the check I am looking for a low cost solution.
>01 S4 - its my baby
>94 100s Wagon - 170K and still purring
>86 4kq rally car - "Wazoo racing"

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