radiator fan does not stop

Rave Racer Ravewar at home.com
Mon Sep 10 14:55:44 EDT 2001

radiator fan does not stop
    I'm not sure about this... but I think there is another temp sensor in the engine block.  There was on my VW, but I don't know about my Audi.

       Rave Racer
'89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX
'87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
'72 Triumph GT6
'83 Toyota Tercel (yoda)     Possible future Sandrail donor...  Maybe
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ron Paletzki 
  To: quattro at audifans.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 1:17 PM
  Subject: radiator fan does not stop

  Looking for help regarding by radiator fan on an 1989 100.  The fan will not stop running even when the car is off for over 15 min.  I had to disconnect the battery to keep it from draining.  I though it might be the temp sensor or relays so I checked the shop manuals which indicated that there are three relays that control the fan, two in the main relay box and one in the auxiliary relay box.  With the battery connected but the key not in the ignition the fan runs even if I unplug the temp sensor (bottom left of radiator) and either relay in the primary relay penal.  So I tried to find the auxiliary relay panel behind the lower dash underneath the steering wheel.  Well I found the relay panel but there was no fan relay in position 7 as the manual says.  So my question is now what?  I would appreciate any help.
  Ron P
  Ron Paletzki

  Research Fellow
  36 Convent Dr  MSC 4135
  Bldg 36/Rm 4C-23
  Bethesda, MD 20892
  T(301) 435-4643
  F(301) 435-4959

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