4kq questions:heater valve

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Sep 20 09:39:59 EDT 2001

If your heater valve has sufficient wear/corrosion (mineral deposits on the 
plastic innards) that you have to manually turn it to its normal shut-off 
stop, you need a new one.  It'll cost you less than a tankful of gas.

At 07:09 AM 09/20/2001 -0400, VW FREAK wrote:

>the tach on my 85 4kq is not working- any ideas? also, I have heat all the
>time, despite the fact that i manually closed the heater valve all the way.
>anyone make a short shift kit for this car? and how hard are shifter
>bushings to install?
>Ken N
>1979 Scirocco 8V 2.0 Transplant in Progress <-- waiting for engine harness
>1985 Scirocco Wolfsburg 8V <-- waiting for cam
>1988 Jetta GLS 8V <--waiting for a miracle
>1989 Jetta Carat GLI 8V STR-4 <--2001 NCAC STR CHAMP
>1991 Kawasaki Ninja 600R <-- paint half done
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