driving x-country

Jenny Curtis jenny at physics.umn.edu
Mon Apr 22 13:54:26 EDT 2002

Hi Adam:

Driving cross-country mid-may,  go with your snows, especially if your
summer tire are those (like mine) that come with dire warnings about not
being snow worthy .  I have hit serious snow as late as June in Montana
and Idaho driving in the mountains.  Never underestimate altitude as a
factor in very quickly changing weather.  You can go from a lovely sunny
60 degrees on the plains to an ugly snowstorm in a mountain pass with
white out conditions in less than an hour.  The Colorado S-car people
may take their snows off in May but you are not going to Colorado, you
are going to be a lot further North.   I'm originally from North Dakota
so I have a lot of experience in driving from there to Seattle.  If you
take Highway 2 across you will have a wonderfully scenic trip, except
for the 8 hours of North Dakota and five hours of Eastern Montana, ,
where as my Dad says, even the Coyotes pack a lunch.   For that kind of
tedium, let me suggest three little words: books on tape!  But Western
Montana, Glacier Park, Idaho and western Washington and the Cascades
kind of make up for the pain.

Graham and I might be doing the very same trip for our honeymoon this
summer.  Good luck and have fun,

from Minnesota where we had 91 degrees last Monday and 4 inches of snow
yesterday and who wishes she hadn't taken her snow tires off yet!

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