Over tightened lug nut problem 90 sport 90 q

Huw Powell human747 at attbi.com
Thu Apr 25 02:58:45 EDT 2002

> >Well nothing is ever easy, went to rotate my tires today and guess what one
> >lug over tightened by the Audi dealer at last service.
> >So help what do I do now.
> Sounds like the dealership has a problem, not you, to be perfectly honest.
> Calmly point to the part in the shop manual where it specifies 85 ft
> lb(at least that's what it is for the 200q20v), hand them the keys
> and wish them luck, and mention that you want a new lug nut, thank
> you very much.

I think it is a little late for an "irritated but diplomatic" visit
where they can be asked to loosen it - the owner has bunged up the bolt

Now a visit there had better be apologetic and hopeful.

I would never recommend going to *any* kind of technician and getting in
their face with "chapter and verse."  I'd call that the end of any
possiblity for a fruitful future relationship with them.  Asking nicely
(even while seething inside) is a much better way to get your needs met.

Huw Powell



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