Saw a V8 for sale

David Miller millerds at
Tue Feb 26 10:58:07 EST 2002

(In Oxford, OH, near Cincinnati)

I was driving around today in the 3rd snowfall of the year and I noticed, a
V8 for sale.  It's the slightly purplish color, and the body looks to be in
great shape.  The leather interior looks a bit worn, and, like most V8s it's
an auto.  The car had Indiana plates, Miami University tags, and repair
stickers from a local specialist shop in College Corner, IN, so I'd have to
guess the owner lives somewhere around this corner of south-western OH.  No
price was listed, but the phone number to call is (765)732-4551.  I'd be
more than happy to check it out for someone if anyone's interested. (I do
not know the owner and have no vested interest in the car).

I'd post this to the marketplace, but I'm not really the seller.

David Miller

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