MC1 - while I'm at it..

Ben Swann bswann at
Thu Feb 28 10:13:36 EST 2002

Does this mean I need to get into measurements, micrometer/plastigage,
etc., or could I just get a standard set of shells for the motor?  I am
assuming there is no abnormal wear on bearing surfaces.

What about the rings and cylinder hone?  I would have thought that would
have been the order of the day.


On Thursday, February 28, 2002 9:48 AM, Phil Payne
[SMTP:quattro at] wrote:
> > Would I be jinxing myself not to do the rings, or should I leave well
> > enough alone?  I certainly don't want to risk doing more harm than
> >  However, I sure dont want to pull this motor again any time soon.  On
> > note though - If I did need to, can I remove the bottom end if need be
> > the bottom, leaving the head and manifolds intact?
> I'd be tempted to do the bearing shells.  More power is going to fling
the pistons about a bit
> more, and a bit more conrod stretch will take the upper rings into the
rim.  New shells will
> reduce this and are also a good idea in their own right.
> --
>   Phil Payne
>   +44 7785 302 803
>   +49 173 6242039

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