Univ Bosch OXS sensor in 12v6???

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 18 12:35:03 EST 2002

  Thanks for the information. It seems the front vs rear sensors
on the V6 are different.  I spose maybe the difference is that
one is sealed and one not.  I'm hoping the forward ones (the
ones I have to replace) are the un-sealed and the post cat ones
sealed.  (would make sense to have the one down by the belly of
the car be sealed.  But who knows.
  Anyhow, thanks for the informative reply Jim.

--- "Dupree, Jim" <dupree at alldata.com> wrote:
> Many Bosch Oxy Sensors are what Bosch calls 'submersable'. The
> sensor
> housing is completely sealed and the harness is sealed to the
> housing. An
> oxygen sensor needs out side air (reference air) in order to
> get a proper
> oxygen content deferential between exhaust gases and the
> outside air. The
> bigger the difference in oxygen between inside the exhaust and
> the outside
> reference air the higher the voltage signal the sensor
> creates. The
> 'submersible' sensors get their reference air through the
> wiring harness.
> Part of the reasoning for this type of sensor is to reduce the
> contamination
> of sensors from the outside environment that the exhaust
> system is subject
> to. Porsche recommends against universal sensors where a
> 'submersible'
> sensor is used.
> Is the sensor used on the Audi 12V V6 a 'submersible' sensor,
> I don't know?
> I would guess it is.  Would I use a universal to save a few
> $$, quite
> possibly. Would I sell and install one on a customers car, NO.
> Thanks
> Jim
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	JShadzi at aol.com [mailto:JShadzi at aol.com]
> Sent:	Friday, January 18, 2002 11:11 AM
> To:	tquattroguy at yahoo.com
> Cc:	quattro at audifans.com
> Subject:	Re: Univ Bosch OXS sensor in 12v6???
> Yes, absolutely, all Bosch sensors are basically the same, you
> pay $150+ for
> the harness..
> Javad
> > Heya everyone,
> >   Its been a while since I've posted.  But I have a
> question.
> > On the 12v6 in the 96/97 Audi A6q's.  Can the forward 2 oxs
> > sensors (of the 4 total) be replaced with the $35 univ 3
> wire
> > that we all use on the I5 motors?  Or do you have to use the
> > Factory $200 part. (Or $135 from Rod at TPC)
> >   The 3 wire univ is Bosh PN# 13913
> >   The factory Audi PN# is 13396  or Audi# 078-906-265 B
> > I just dont want to put the Univ in if some how its
> different.
> > Dont see how it would be but the front and rear sensors are
> > different so who knows.
> > l8r
> >   Todd
> >
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