Timing belt tension

ccohen5 ccohen5 at compuserve.com
Fri Jan 18 08:35:13 EST 2002

I am going through the same nightmare.  I have all the parts disassembled
which took the better part of a day because of the lack of documentation.
Now I am trying to make the same educated guess!!

I figure that if I can twist the belt with two fingers and no thumbs to the
90 deg. mark I ham going to fulfill the intention of the instruction.

If I am wrong, I will have to practically scrap the car as there are no
replacement parts for this head.  BTW I am doing this non essential piece of
maintenance to a Sport Quattro whose owners manual does not even mention the
timing belt in German (anyway) which I must presume was based on the
philosophy that these cars would all die before a belt needed to be


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