10vt low end power...

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Thu Jan 24 19:36:12 EST 2002

>If you want even more power down low from the 10vt advance the cam a tooth.
>Top end is even worse than normal like this but the cam actually comes on
>(normally comes on @ 3000rpm) when your k26 makes boost.  If you have a k24
>your making boost but not really using it like you could.  If you want top
>end retard it a tooth and keep the k26.
>Try advancing the cam a tooth, you may not even want the k24 after this.

Don't you mean retard it a tooth?

Advancing cam timing should, if I remember correctly, result in more
high end at the expense of low end power.
Joshua Van Tol -- josh at spiny.com

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