Subject: RE: Please advise on A/C conversion

Christopher Ritchie critchie1 at
Fri Jul 19 19:15:05 EDT 2002

>So, how can I further diagnose the clutch? Remember, I'm new to
>this DIY ca=3D
>r stuff...

The clutch is either on or off.  There is 1 wire going to it.  If that 1
wire gets 12vdc, the clutch is energized and goes on.  "Going on" means
clamping onto the spinning pulley.  When it does this, you can hear it
"click" and see it jump to grab (connect to) the pulley - the whole thing
down there will now spin as a solid unit.  "Off" means the clutch has no
power.  The clutch plate is not connected to the spinning pulley.

That 1 wire is the output of all the A/C system.  Bentley takes hundreds of
pages to diagnose the A/C system.  But the clutch is easy.  12vdc to the
wire - it goes on.  No power - it's off.

That's how you test the clutch.  Jumper a wire from the positive battery
jumpering post in the engine compartment to that single clutch wire.  See
what the clutch does.

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