Fuse Amperage??? for a fuse beween the battery and the car.

Richard J Lebens rick-l at rocketmail.com
Tue Jul 30 10:49:08 EDT 2002

Are you asking about a fuze on the battery?  When you are starting your
car the battery is delivering all the power it has for as long as the
switch is on. The starting circuitry is a very low impedence, similar
in magnitude to your seat springs connected to ground. You couldn't
size a fuze to differentiate between a fault and the starter.  In other
words, a fuze large enough for the starter wouldn't protect anything in
this circuit.

You can fuze all the low current accessories however.

--- Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com> wrote:
> >I just realize that in an accident the cable that goes from the
> battery to the
> >kill switch could break causing a constant short (fire hazard). The
> kill
> >switch, once not engaged, would prevent a short at the engine, but
> not at the
> >back.
> >
> >So,  what do you recommend for a fuse in the battery box? (amperage,
> type,
> >where to get it).
> >
> >TIA,
> >
> >Carlos.

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