Converting from R12 to R134a

ScottyCBoy at ScottyCBoy at
Wed Mar 20 13:18:21 EST 2002

In a message dated Wed, 20 Mar 2002 11:50:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, <David.Ullrich at> writes:

>In a 
> previous e-mail I asked about recharging my AC. Well, I've been think about 
> having it converted to R134a. My local independent mechanic says he can do it 
> for around $500, including all parts and labor. I'm not a great mechanic myself, 
> so anything of this magnitude I'd let him do. So, is $500 reasonable to a 
> conversion to 134a? Anyone done it to their Audi? Anyone done it to their Coupe 
> GT? How well does it cool now? I know 134a isn't as efficient but does it 
> still cool decently? Anyone BTDT?</SPAN>
> Dave 
> 1987.5 Audi Coupe GT "Special Build" 2.3 - Anthracite 
> Black 
> 1998 VW Passat GLS 1.8T - For Sale 

You more than likely will not get satisfactory perfromance from the existing york compressor with R-134a. I'd jump on your mechanics offer as long as he replaces the compressor with a reman or new SD508, 709, or sd510.

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