Blau Toronto LED problem ?

Mark L. Chang mchang at
Mon May 20 13:17:39 EDT 2002

I've plugged this before, but I'll do it again for those new to the
thread. If you can find it, get an older Rockford Fosgate from circa
1998 or 1999. They fit the bill for our Audis to a "t". Black plastic,
red backlighting, simple, ergonomic button layout. Yep, yep, and yep.

The further upside is that the RFX-8130 like I have has all the
important bells and whistles: changer control, line-level input,
5-channel output (lf rf lr rr sub), and sub level control. A great tuner
section as well as just plain old clean, solid 2.4v output.

Might be getting hard to dig up, though, as it's several years old now.
Working great in my car, though.

On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 02:55:03PM -0400 or thereabouts, Brett Dikeman wrote:
> >Brett,
> >
> >You say the following:  "Black plastic.  Red backlighting.  Simple,
> >ergonomic button layout."
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