More on stripped subframe bolts

james accordino ssgacc at
Fri Nov 1 17:44:22 EST 2002

I always "thought" the material HeliCoils were made on
were harder/tougher than the standard issue mild steel
most car frames/subframes/body parts were made of.
I'm pretty sure I actually read this somewhere, but I
can't offer any ANSI/SAE or any other testing/control
specs.  I'm sure someone either knows or is probably
looking now.  That material seems very hard/tough.  I
think if the new threads you cut are right and tight,
transfering the load outward would actually increase
it's tearout resistance.  Who knows?

Jim Accordino
ps-yes, they ARE brittle.  A side effect of hardening.
 I think that's why they break off so nice.

--- Marc Swanson <mswanson at> wrote:
> > I found the bolt to be stripped  Having experiance
> with Heli-Coil I decided to go that route.
> David,
> I was curious as well about all the buzz on the list
> about not using
> helicoil on the subframe nuts.  Stripped one on my
> 4ktq a while back.
> Decided that cutting into the body to replace the
> nut was silly and went
> with the helicoil route.  Works fantastic.  Torqued
> to spec and holding
> fine 10k miles later.
> --
> ----------------------------------
> Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
> Sonitrol Communications Corp.
> Hartford, CT
> Email: mswanson at
> Phone: (860) 616-7036
> Pager: (860) 948-6713
>  Cell: (603) 512-1267
>   Fax: (860) 616-7589
> ----------------------------------

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