4kq heater core R/R

tob4000 at excite.com tob4000 at excite.com
Mon Nov 11 17:17:43 EST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Hiya everyone,I recently replaced the heater core on my 87 4kq.  I had hea=
rd all the nightmare stories about the job in the past and was really initi=
midated when I started out. but after an hour or so it became obvious that =
the job is no-where near as bad as people had made it out to be.  I went as=
 far as to remove the heater fan, and box so I wouldn't have to emit the fr=
eon inside the ac system into the air.  (who knows if I even have freon in =
it but I wasn't taking any chances)  To answer someone's question: Yes you =
do have to remove the entire center console unless you remove the ac evap. =
then the core could be slid out of the side.  Personally I'd go for the fir=
st way, seems less hackish.  The job took me a total of 4 hours.  this job =
also gives you the opportunity to clean all of the dead leaves out of the h=
eater box and rain tray as well.  makes for a really quiet fan. BTW, a new =
factory heater core absolutely cranks out the heat.  even if it is made in =
China.Tob87 4kq

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