pump to rack hose (Type 44)

DAK dak at rochester.rr.com
Tue Oct 8 11:59:04 EDT 2002

For $90, I may have gone OEM also. Didi had $141 for the OEM, $115 for
after market. So, I went the other way... keeping my fingers crossed.
don't jinx it! :-)


Wallace White wrote:

> FWIW, I too had this hose rebuilt, reusing the ends and the restrictor.
> It wound up costing $60, it did make some noise, and it split apart at
> one of the junctions a few months later.
> A quiet, new OEM hose was ~$90 from Carlsen.
> I know many have had great success with rebuilt hoses, but it does
> depend on the quality of the work done.
> - Wallace
>   '87 5kcstq 191k
> DAK wrote:
>> James,
>> The noise on the hose is just not there! The guy (Dick) was able to
>> retain the resonator. I think it is at least as quiet as before. The
>> original ends were used. New crimps and rubber were used. The new hose
>> is rated to 4800 PSI. (Much higher than the 2000 PSI working pressure of
>> the system). I can e-mail you pictures. If you have a speedy connection,
>> they won't be a problem.

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