resolder radiator

scott thomas scott at
Wed Oct 9 16:54:34 EDT 2002

Sorry, the last post I put up about not knowing and restating my
question. Anyway, I got my answer and Friday is going to be the day.
This sucks because I just put new Dex cool in yesterday.

It's cool that the operation isn't going to be that bad. I'm just
going to clean the whole thing up, not remove the tanks and then hit
the solder with the torch. I'll flux it, to be safe. Just in case, I
brought another spare radiator (plastic)from my storage unit, just in

As far as silver solder goes, it's used because of being lead free
for home plumbing, as well as the strength. Flux removes the
impurities on the surface, as well as making a clean environment for
the solder to adhere to the metals.

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