[s-cars] More on audi wheel bolts/studs/torque

lenoble at optonline.net lenoble at optonline.net
Tue Oct 22 10:52:39 EDT 2002


> Even if you decide to use A/S, retorquing of the wheels should
> be a standard procedure, since the "backing" out isn't
> necessarily a A/S problem.

Yes, good point. I used to check my wheel periodically through-
out an event. Now I just check them each morning before I get
on the track.

I've been doing some more thinking about your loosening problem,
and something is really strange. I do about 10-15 track days
a year (all with PCA) and I see thousands of cars on the track
each year. Each car must go through a track side tech inspection
held the morning of the event, and one of the tests is wheel
bolt torque. Very few people ever bother to check the wheels
again, and I haven't seen a wheel fall off in a long time.
Now, the more advanced drivers and the racers probably do check
things closely (I know the serious folks do) but there are
still many MANY novices and intermediates who don't.



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