inspection failure due to exhaust noise???

james accordino ssgacc at
Wed Sep 4 14:40:21 EDT 2002

I suggestion maybe.  Try another inspector/station
that may be less critical.  These arbitrary/subjective
inspections suck.  A few yrs. ago, my Dorf pickup
failed because my headlight lenses were "too yellow".
Apparently, the Lexan? yellows over time.  These
WEREN'T very yellow.  Second next time I tried they
passed.  2 yrs. later they WERE pretty yellow so I
replaced them.  Just something to maybe try.

Jim Accordino

--- joshua field <joshua at> wrote:
> i just got back from my massachusetts inspection and
> i am very unhappy to
> report that they wouldnt pass me due to "excessive
> exhaust noise".
> last fall i purchased a stebro catback setup for my
> 1990 coupe from
> 2bennett-
> according to the
> massachusetts inspector, the noise can't exceed the
> original equipment. they
> dont even use a decibel meter... they do it by ear.
> i mentioned that it is
> HIGHLY unlikely that they have ever heard a coupe in
> the first place. they
> won't look at it again until i do something about
> it. i cant drive the car
> until i get get it "fixed" because they call this a
> "safety failure" (did i
> mention it isn't BROKEN).
> so... anybody have thoughts as to a quick fix. i am
> not in a position to buy
> an OEM setup and trash my year-old $800 install.
> "Unnecessary noise is herein defined as any noise
> which is louder than that
> emitted by the vehicle when equipped with the
> original manufacturer's
> equipment."
> 4.04 (b): Procedures for Inspection of
> Non-Commercial Motor
> (5) Muffler and Exhaust System. Accelerate motor to
> test for prevention of
> unnecessary noise and emission of any unreasonable
> amount of smoke. The
> exhaust system, exhaust manifold(s), exhaust
> pipe(s), muffler(s), and
> tailpipe(s), if designed to be so equipped, shall be
> tight and free of
> leaks. System components shall be securely fastened
> with fasteners in place
> and undamaged. All motor vehicle exhaust systems
> shall discharge the exhaust
> beyond operator, passenger, and/or trunk
> compartment. Unnecessary noise is
> herein defined as any noise which is louder than
> that emitted by the vehicle
> when equipped with the original manufacturer's
> equipment. A gas or diesel
> vehicle will be rejected if, at normal operating
> temperature, at any
> constant speed over 15 MPH, (approximately 1,000 to
> 1,200 RPM's) visible
> black or blue exhaust emissions are evident.

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