more Laser & V1 Valentine Radar unit quattro digest, Vol 1 #4799

Suffolk GameServer LAN at
Mon Apr 7 13:12:57 EDT 2003

Brett et al:
What's the wishy-wash?

Also, good to see V1 trade in value up.
I'll spring to upgrade and go laser.

On the LASER thread:
I've seen the passport laser unit go off at neon signs and the like.

I also know that unlike radar, the Federal regs don't have a jamming
penalty like the FCC (regarding radio waves)
I see IR projectors for home security (night vision)
which put out a solid 40 feet of coverage.
Probably just enough to "hide"
(reflective lenses, bright paint and license plates) behind.

Any thoughts?
You'd need two for front and back coverage.
-Scott in BOSTON

it tended to get freaked out by sunlight when you did the wishy-wash,
and at one point, it would throw a laser alarm whenever my hand
reached up to hit

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