88 90Q - got it titled! Now to get it fixed...

passat TS passat_ts at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 9 13:16:33 EDT 2003

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Congrats Randy.

I bet the erratic steering is one or both front strut mounts (btdt). You
probably know that if have to replace them, you should use Urq's mounts.

Good luck,

>From: "randy paquette"
>To: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: 88 90Q - got it titled! Now to get it fixed...
>Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 07:36:47 -0400
>Hey everyone - finally got the ting titled and registered - what a
>Anyway it is done and I won't go into the sordid details - suffice
>to say it
>cost half again as much as the car is worth.
>Drove it to work today (got up to 60mph) noticed that I may have a
>exhaust manifold leak but not too bad and probably need at least one
>wheel bearing (gee if I noticed this in 16 miles I can't wait to see
>I'll notice in a few more).
>Also, sometimes the car tracks to the right, sometimes to the left
>sometimes straight - I'm guessing sbufram bushings? any BTDTs?
>The odo doesn't work and the MPH indication in the dash seems about
>50% of
>what I expected - fuel consumption is way too high - not sure on
>that one -
>I don't believe the indicator and the mixture is pretty close.
>Sorry for rampling but I'm a little excited and have all of your
>support to
>thank for it!
>More later,
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