Timing Belt off a tooth ??

John Larson j.d.larson at verizon.net
Mon Apr 28 09:48:38 EDT 2003

 "Now let me get on my soap box about putting timing belts on interference
> engines in the first place !!!!
> If you are going to design an interference engine, put a freaking
> lubricated Timing Chain on the thing. As anal retentive as the Germans can
> be (I am one so I think I can say) what part of "It's a fundamentally bad
> idea to use a glorified rubber band as a timing device" did they not
> understand.............Sheezz !!!!"

I don't suppose you want to hear about all the Mercedes Benz with the timing
chain breakage problems, or the Toyota 18R-22Rs with the same.
How about 911s?  And the VR6 is another engine with chain problems.  Every
technology has it's share of weaknesses.  Regular timing belt service seems
to cover those pretty well on our cars.  Trust me, timing chain replacement
is MUCH harder on cars with chains rather than belts.  John

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