CIS Cold start valve excitation?

Louis A. Mulieri mulieri at
Mon Dec 1 07:14:37 EST 2003

	Can someone tell me the details of how the CSV is activated by 
it's control computer in my '88 5KCSTQ (CIS)? Bentley says there should be 
12 v on terminal 1 of the CSV connector but it doesn't say whether this is 
true only while the CSV is activated. So my question is: Does CSV squirt 
when terminal 2 is grounded or when 12 V is delivered to terminal 1? 
Looking at the wiring diagram, it looks like both changes may be required. 
If so, what event controls when 12 V is delivered to terminal 1 and what 
event controls when ground is delivered to terminal 2?
	I'm hesitant to go probing with my VOM for fear of damaging the 
CSV output circiutry of my computer. And, taking the CSV out to check 
spray action requires many overlying hoses and brackets to be removed on 
my trubo engine.

Thanks for help on this.


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