A4 purchase

Matt Evans matt at mattevans.org
Mon Dec 15 16:00:58 EST 2003

I don't see the point of getting a non-quattro audi.  If you dont
want/need AWD, getting a BMW will give you similar interior room,
luxury, etc, but the wheels will be at the correct end, and will be a much
"sportier" overall experience (if you care).

In the case of the fwd A4, you're paying more money for a smaller passat.
(a better looking passat, granted :)

Putting the right drivetrain and transmission on the car makes it worthwhile,
however.  the 2000 2.8 A4Q is a very nice car to look at, ride in, and drive.

Furthermore, i will always recommend against any automatic transmission car.
Manuals are easier to work on, more reliable, more performant, and less 
finnicky.  You can drop start a manual.  It doesn't have its own ECU thats
always trying to out-think you.

Being willing to do your own work is a pre-req for ANY used german car.  The
A4 isn't special in this regard..  i'm just a new audi owner but i have
VW, BMW, and Audi in the stable currently.  All need lots of work as they age
unless you fanatically replace things on an ongoing basis.  

If you're going to get an A4, don't bother unless its a quattro 5 spd.  
the poor tiptronic transmission will cost money, add weight, slow you down,
and try to out think you at all junctions.  If you want to spend a lot
of money a nice front wheel drive car, there are lots of options that will
cost you a lot less in maintenance over the long run.  

88 BMW M5
88 Audi 90Q 
00 Passat Wagon
80 BMW 528i (sold)

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