Oil Filter Troubles

Mike Veglia msvphoto at pacbell.net
Mon Feb 10 17:44:26 EST 2003

In a message dated 2/9/2003 Taka writes:

<< I went to change the oil on the A4 today and the
oil filter was on there so tightly that it just
wouldn't come off- to the point that the oil filter
wrench crushed the filter, nearly broke it in two and
I only managed maybe 1/4 turn with all of that effort.

I only install oil filters 1/4 turn past the gasket
contacting the housing, never had a problem with that
technique, I guess some dealers must somehow install
filters with an impact wrench. >>

I just had a similar experience with our
semi-new-to-us '95 A6q Avant. Except, in my case I was
the one who installed the filter I was changing
(second oil change since we bought the car). And, it
was only the umpteen zillionth Audi oil filter I have
installed over the course of 15 years (and 9 Audis and
counting later...). I install them the same way,
around 1/4 turn beyond contact--or so. I use a strap
wrench for removal. This time (the larger filter the
mid-95 and beyond V6 takes) the filter crushed and
didn't want to turn at first. There is a thin aluminum
housing the filter threads into which was kind of
scary too. Eventually I did manage to get the filter
off, but it was not easy and kinda scary. Thing is, *I
know* how it was installed because I installed it.
Amazing how stuck that sucker was. BTW, I bought the
strap wrench many years ago when I had a brand new '85
Toy*ta pickemup that had a majorly stuck filter the
first time I was changing the oil (factory
installed-first ever oil change). I broke two oil
filter wrenches on that sucker before some bright
person at an auto parts store sold me the webbing
material strap wrench. What a wonderful tool. Never
encountered an oil filter I couldn't get off
since--but the Audi V6 filter the other day was darn

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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