Happy 4th . . . and

rob hod rob3 at hod3.fsnet.co.uk
Mon Jul 7 20:08:12 EDT 2003

 Oh well thanks a million .. I'll  add our backsides to the long list you've
gleefully kicked.

  I've only been back on the list for about a week and it's reading like
'rednecks are us'. I don't want to hear about asskicking, 'patriotism' or
what  good or bad people, places or events are or were. Any chance we can
keep strictly to audi related subjects or at the least non-contentious ones?

> Message: 12
> From: "Casting Fool" <jester at cfnson.com>
> To: "Audi List" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: Happy 4th . . . and
> Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 03:28:45 -0400
> Organization: Casting Fool & Son
> > While I harbor no ill feelings toward our present day UK friends, I'm
> glad that those "dissenters and rebels, troublemakers" kicked the
> of those "patriots", clear back across the Atlantic.

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