Drag racing times - parts/work to modify

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 18 09:00:20 EDT 2003

--- "Roa, Greg" <Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM> wrote:
> Very true, as noted from Jim Green's engine
> compartment pictures.  The good part though, is it
> seems like it would reduce the number of tight
> radius bends that would be required.
> I suppose I could try and put a horizontally mounted
> intercooler fed by a hood scoop (ala WRX's), in the
> area between the radiator and the brake booster....
> Haven't tried to see if one would fit there though.
> Just tossing ideas around at this stage, to see how
> deep I'd be getting myself.

Yea, I did the same thing.  I always wanted to avoid
cutting sheet metal, modding body parts.  Once you get
into it, you realize it's usually unavoidable.  You
don't want to do a hood scoop IC, they don't work very
well, and get heat soaked easily.  You'll most likely
end up making a new front crossmember.  I'm always
imrpessed with Marc's IC install.

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