water pump replacement help!!(Audi 80)

dfdsf dfdsf tomyeyu at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 24 09:51:36 EDT 2003

The water pump of my car(1988,Audi 80,4 cyls,manual)is
leaking. I can find a hole at the bottom of the water
pump and coolant is leaking there. Once I drive, it is
leaking and will stop leaking when stop. It is leaking
fast.Within 40 minutes, it will be empty.

I was told that the plug in the water pump is missing
and the water pump itself maybe bad due to the broken
seal inside,etc.And the solution is to change the
water pump.

As it is very expensive to change it($300-400),I am
wondering whether sombody would like to tell me how to
change it by myself,what tools do I need,and any
illustrations or descriptions from a manual book is
highly appreciated.

Thank you!


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