Don't use Fram (what about Ferrari? LAC)

Alexander Leventhal alexander_t_leventhal at
Wed May 21 14:27:56 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
FWIW, ferrari oil filters have been manufactured over the years by many dif=
ferent companies.  The most recent was made for Ferrari by UFI and they wer=
e recalled due to a propensity to blow the seal and lose all the oil.  Gene=
ral consensus in the Ferrari community is NOT to use Fram, although I too w=
ill admit that I see many of them.  Personally I use Baldwin filters on bot=
h my 365gt (v12 - two top mounted filters) and Dino (v8 one top mounted fil=
ter).  I have been pleased with their performance.


2001 a6q
1989 100q
1989 100 auto
1974 Ferrari Dino
1974 MB 450slc
1963 MB 220SEb Cab
qshipaz at wrote:

Greetings Audinauts,
Let me be perfectly clear: Fram blows. Literally, apparently...

That said, I have always wondered why every Ferrari V12 I've seen in person=
 or in pictures has two Fram orange filters mounted right up top where we c=
an see them. Apparently Fram is what Ferrari specified back in the days whe=
n old Enzo sat in the big chair. How was that possible, and what kind of me=
ss could a dry sump Daytona make when those top-mounted filters let go?

Not apologizing for Fram- I won't use them- but I do wonder about this. Mos=
t recently when perusing an issue of Classic and Sports Car featuring a Fer=
rari Daytona road test, and also an ur-q buyer's guide...

Is there some Fram jacket Ferrari put on a Mann filter due to some arcane s=
ponsorship deal (grin)?!


'86 CGT (no Fram)
'91 200q (no engine)

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