Fw: audi master cylinder

Gerald Kennedy gkennedy at cwnet.com
Wed Aug 18 11:59:14 EDT 2004

Don't know if this went through the first time.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Gerald Kennedy 
To: e6941tb at gnn.com 
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 8:37 AM
Subject: audi master cylinder

Got your e-address of letter you sent to caimbara.
I've got a 1988 Audi Qattro 90 w/ ABS that has a brake that that went slowly to the floor after stop.  (Master Cylinder internal leakage.)
I've rebuilt MCs since age 12 (now 65).  No kits available so I bought new Lucas.  With preasure bleeder can't get any thing out of the bleed screw on cylinder.  Got fluid out of front two lines, but nothing out of back line or bleed.  Put vacuum pump on bleed and got nothing.  Took it off vehicle to run bench and got same results.  Nothing getting through front section to line or bleed screw.  WHAT AM I MISSING?
gkennedy at cwnet.com 

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