new (old) engine inspection

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Tue Aug 24 10:30:52 EDT 2004

Thanks for the advice jim.
Yeah, my research has led me to believe that it is really only a good idea
to put in the 35mm exhaust valves, apparently enlarging the intake can lead
to head cracking between the valves. I probably will go for the 7mm stemmed
valves as they are not that much expensive. Apparently this will be a very
good mod, im going for 10.5-1 cr as it seems to be a safe sensible increase.
Id like to balance everything, but that would be when the cost starts coming
in. I reckon I can do everything for £300 as is... as long as the bottom end
is good. If its not then ill think on my feet, and possibly chuck £1500 to
tsr for a 2.6 ;) lol
Ill consider the head studs, not a bad idea, any ideas how much they can be
had for? Can I just buy some hi tensile studding and do it myself ??
Oh, ill also bin the vacuum pump ;) I cant left foot /heel and toe anyway ;)

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Jim Green [mailto:jeg1976 at] 
Sent:	24 August 2004 15:18
To:	Alan Pritchard
Cc:	Quattro list
Subject:	Re: new (old) engine inspection

--- Alan Pritchard <apritchard at> wrote:

> So, I just got my new (to me) ng engine home into my
> garage.
> My plans are, rip the head off, match the ports to
> the manifolds, general
> clean up, do a big valve conversion, raise the cr to
> about 10.5-1, ceramic
> coat piston crowns, combustion chamber and valve
> faces. Ceramic coat the
> exhaust manifold, and the underside of the inlet
> manifold. Fit a 7a throttle
> body, and efi injectors in the stock location.
> Exhaust will be the good ole
> 5-3-1 to 2.5" cat back. Camshaft is a shrick 272.
> fuel and ignition will be
> controlled by megasquirt'n'spark. Flywheel is to be
> lightened. There will
> also be an oil cooler fitted. But I need to check
> the bottom end over, what
> should I look for to make sure the bottom end is
> good? I really wanna break
> 200hp on a 2.3 na i5. later on I may do a 5 throttle
> body conversion, still
> tba. And if a diesel crank comes up cheap it will be
> stroked, but that is
> unlikely.

Sounds fun, I doubt the bottom end needs anything.  I
just put new rod bearings in the 80q thinking I had
rod knock, but as I kind of expected they looked like
new still after 170k.  It turned out to be the F'n
vacuum pump rod.  Anyways, If you really want, just
pull a couple of the caps and take a peak, if there's
no shiny spots you're good to go, if they're shiny,
plastigauge them.  If you do pull everything apart,
have it all balanced, that will help it rev. You also
might look into some TI valve retainers as well.  I
know this isn't a turbo motor, but just put headstuds
on it from the start.  As soon as something hit's
project status, pulling the head every once in a while
just seems to happen, and you don't want to pay for
new bolts every time.  Plus you'll have them on there
and you can bolt up a 20vt head when you want turbo;)

What size valves are you putting in, 35 mm exhaust? 
Doesn't it already have 40mm intake valves?  Also, you
could step down to a smaller stem size to increase
flow a little.

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