4000 Q fuel problem - tank

Bluemaxww1 at aol.com Bluemaxww1 at aol.com
Fri Dec 10 10:57:54 EST 2004

An alternative to another tank, is a company that recoats the inside of the  
tank.  Had to do this to my 914 years ago.  You should be able to find  one 
locally to you.  You take them your tank, they use a coating that  neutralizes 
or converts the rust, and then they add another coating.  Mine  has given me no 
problems since having it done.  
The hot rods guys with the older cars do this a lot.  No spare tanks  
available for them.
In a message dated 12/9/04 5:08:48 PM Pacific Standard Time,  
tfh400036 at yahoo.com writes:

Well, I  got into the noisy fuel pump problem today, and when I pulled the 
feed line  off, it barely trickled out. Pulled it upstream of the pre-filter, 
ditto.  Pulled the return line, and holy sh**, poured all 15 galons or so out. I 
 filled the tank originally, thinking the problem was it was empty. Turns out 
 the fuel gauge doesn't work. So, now I have 15 gallons of fuel in 5 gallon  
buckets, and one hell of a rusty tank. When I put the compressed air into the  
return, it blows right in. Do the same with the feed, and it blows back at 
me.  It appears that Audi put a second "shelf" into there, so the gas wouldn't 
run  away from the hole when cornering. Good idea, Foxes would cut out below 
1/3  under hard cornering. 

The problem that it brings up is this, I can't  get to the feed to clean it 
of the rust or whatever else is in there.  
Anyone out there delt with this before?

Anyone near me with a spare  good tank for a 4000Q? I'm in Oklahoma  City.


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