Oil, Oil, Oil. I'm almost afraid to ask.

Alex Kowalski akowalsk at comcast.net
Wed Dec 29 18:02:19 EST 2004

OK all this back and forth about the 1.8T engine, the A4 and B5 chassis and
the sludge and the oil and the lawsuits has got the pedoodles scared out of me
and worked me up to the point that I have to ask this question.  At the risk of 
pouring jet fuel on this fire, I feel obliged to my transmission synchronizers and turbocharger to ask this question:

I'm going to change the trans. oil (5-speed) on my '87 5KCSTQ and while I'm at 
it I'm going to flush the power steering system, brakes and coolant.  Now the
question:  I _*had_* intended to use Redline MT-90 and Mobil 1 and Pentosin 
7.1S.  However,  does anyone have an opinion of the Lubro-Moly gear oil and the synthetic engine oil that Blaufergnugen advertises on this page???  :


I also find it odd that they substitute the Bilstein mineral fluid and the Castrol 
Syntec GL-5 gear oil in their "lubrication kits" ?!?!?!  I thought the 016 
transmission in my 5KCSTQ required GL-4.  Is the Lubro-Moly better?  Is the 
Castrol Syntec GL-5 some kind of cruel joke?

Anyone have comments on this?  After hearing all of this sludge talk I'm almost afraid to ask.  ;)

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ - soon to have a transfusion of all vital fluids.

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