re. 016 tranny swap saga continue

Kurt Deschler desch at
Fri Feb 27 13:02:28 EST 2004


I had good luck with a different method. The trick I used was to bleed the
master with the slave detached. I used my finger to cap the end of the
line when I pulled up the pedal. Once the master was full, I re-attached
the slave and it gravity bled for the most part. I the used a one-man
bleeder on the slave to get out any remaining air. The on-man bleeder
would likely work on the master as well. Don't let the reservoir run low
whatever technique you use or you will have to start over.

	'87 5kcstq
	'88 vw gti 16v (back on the road)
	'00 S4 6spd (hers - purchase in progress)

> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 11:23:30 -0500
> From: "Denis Julien" <sparkplugvw at>
> Subject: Re: re. 016  tranny swap saga continue
> To: <quattro at>
> Message-ID: <BAY8-DAV57lCWie55VI000051a1 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
> I ll backward bled. Push oil by the slave cylionder bleed plug. I think
> i ll use the 5000TQ master cyl unit from the 5000TQ parts.
> Denis
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Ben Swann
>   To: Denis
>   Cc: quattro at
>   Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:52 AM
>   Subject: re. 016 tranny swap saga continue
>   Denis,
>   The hydraulic circuit needs to be bled. It is tricky, and needs to be force bled from both sides sometimes.  It helps to have an assistant to depress the clutch pedal while fresh air free fluid is forced through the circuit - sometimes needs to be done in reverse from the nipple at the slave.  Once the air is out, the assistant can slowly let the peddle up while fluid being forced through the system and this will draw air free fluid into the Cylinder.
>   Trial and error and repeat this process until you get it air free.  Experience helps.  Don't overpressureize, just want to keep the air out while bleeding.  Think and understand how the system works, then develop a procedure to bleed.
>   I've probably dont this before, so may be in archives.
>   I don't think you'll have to pull tranny again, this time.
>   Ben
>   [From: "Denis" <sparkplugvw at>
>   Subject: 016  tranny swap saga continue
>   To: <quattro at>
>   Message-ID: <BAY8-DAV64rbkrS9pKC00007fb7 at>
>   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>   When i swaped all mecanics from 5000TQ to 100Q body, everything seems to work good . No. i putted the clutch fork on wrong side ,,,,shi....t. , the clutch stay in half slip position , AND a spring felt down on te ground before i put back the tranny covers(reverse spring). Then no back speed.
>   I remove the tranny AND all stuff around , i fixed the tranny, now it shift at all speed AND reverse too.
>   BUT now it still engage , the clutch does not want to unengage !!!! it still now engage what ever i push it.The slave cylinder seems to works good but it seems to not push the clutch enought !!!! maybe still air in the cylinder
>   When the engine is running and the clutch doesnot want to unengage then it s sure  not possible to get in 1 or 2 or else it s like i dont push the clutch.
>   What the problem now ??? all i can see it s still air in the circuit.
>   I m very sick of it and tired to remove again the tranny...
>   Denis J]

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