Audi fox and 100 1970's chassis codes

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Sat Jan 17 14:12:42 EST 2004

Larry et al:
Audi had two size chasis in the 70's.
We had a 1974 100LS 2.0L auto.  The next year the 100 had power steering.
There was a smaller fox that I remember, a kid at school had a 1979 one.
That's my two cents
-Scott by BOSTON
> FYI,
> The Audi known in the US as the Fox was the 2nd gen Model 80
> in Europe, sometime in '74ish. It ended in '80 or '81. The type 81 
> (US 4000) in 2-dr and 4-dr came in '82, so type 81's are NOT 
> Foxes. The Fox chassis (haven't the bother to look up the # in 

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