Touareg/Cayenne fiasco Round 2 (Dakar)

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Wed Jan 21 14:26:04 EST 2004

At 3:03 PM -0800 1/20/04, tihol tiholov wrote:
>  >kleinschmidt won a stage, maybe even two. *as the dakar can do, she had
>one bad day and was then out of the running for an overall awesome
>And a second bad day when she hydro(au)locked the engine, so it had to
>be replaced with a new one, which is against the rules ... but apart of
>that it was OK

	their rules are flexible.  they let mcrae get *two days* behind,
after all.

  Rocky Mullin              | |

"It is enough that the people know there was an election.
  The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people
  who count the votes decide everything."  - Josef Stalin

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