So how does one take off a door on a 4kcsq?
Robert Myers
robert at
Tue Jun 1 15:41:15 EDT 2004
Nah - ya got it all wrong! Park at the side of the road and wait for
oncoming traffic and then, at the last moment, fling the door wide open. :-)
OK - I'll try to behave.
At 03:36 PM 6/1/2004 -0400, SuffolkD at wrote:
>Wow 4K door. If you still have the stroage "bin" on the front/bottom of the
>door, where it looks like beer bottles would go, there are # 1-2 philips head
>screws going through that outer edge into the door panel and frame. Remove
>those. 5 -6?
>Something by the door latch?
>Door arm pulls two larger philips heads # 3?
>and the top of the door panel lifts off and up over the door lock button IF
>you unscrew the lock button FIRST.
>Its been awhile so there may be one item I forgot.
>HTH - Scott by BOSTON
> > From: Hoffman Anthony
> > Inside the door, there are bolts that hold it on (if I remember it
> > correctly). You'll have to take the door panel off, and possibly the window
> > channel-although I don't remember that being necessary.
> > Tony Hoffman
> >
> > The outside door trim on my '86 4kcsq is pretty beat up so the easiest
> > solution I can see, given that I will be re-painting my car within a month,
> > is to take the door off from my '85 parts car and put it on this one.
> > Problem is, unlike every other car that I have worked on, which had door
> > hinges attached to the frame with bolts, this car has nothing even close to
> > that. Looking at the door I cannot see how it could possibly be
> removed. The
> > only thing that I can see is the pin in the hinge which may have been
> > pressed in there. I tried tapping it with a punch-out tool and a
> hammer, but
> > it didn't seem to move. How are the doors supposed to be removed?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Tyson Varosyan
> >
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at
Middle of the road? There is nothing in the middle of the road except
yellow stripes and dead possums.
Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
'95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
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