CSB Noise - Not CSB Afterall

Dan Cordon cord4530 at uidaho.edu
Thu Mar 4 16:16:24 EST 2004

Well, I finally got a chance to pull the center driveshaft to work on a 
replacement bearing. In the mean time I drove it around FWD with the 
center diff locked. To my surprise, the same noise (previously thought 
to be the CSB) was there. More diagnostics showed that the exhaust 
system was rubbing on the cross member. Tranny mount on the passenger 
side (hard one to get to) was mostly toast, and the other one was 
probably original too.

I replaced the tranny mounts and jacked the exhaust up for a little more 
clearance and all is well. Center driveshaft is back in, and not making 
any noise anymore.

As a side note, I had purchased a CSB shell being sold on Ebay in the 
$24 range. I also purchased the MB shell from Rod at TPC. The shell from 
Ebay has virtually no hope of replacing the CSB on a 5k or 200. It may 
work for one of the other audis though (80 or 90??). Or it will require 
significant machining of the driveshaft to make work.

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer
University of Idaho - Engine Research Facility

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