The new "Unintended Acceleration"....?

Kunz, Bob bob.kunz at
Mon Sep 20 18:36:41 EDT 2004

The battery has a plastic shield on the positive terminal and certainly
if this is missing the result as described in the link could happen. I
can't imagine how one could install the rear seat so that it is lower.
But, the springs could sag to the point of contact. Hard to believe that
no one could break out a window and get the person out of the car. That
part of the claim (that he couldn't get out) seems out of line.

The only fire I know of was a total loss result of the fan seizing and
lighting up. This was my friend's '85 5K wagon. I've kept an
extinguisher in my '86 5Ks wagon since. I still have to put the fusible
link in there.


'86 5Ks Avant
'02 TTQR

> Subject: The new "Unintended Acceleration"....?
> While certainly sorry to hear about this gentleman's accident, I
wonder if
> any 5000 owners can comment on the likelihoood of this happening or
> might have caused it....?

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