A4 1.8T Q (B6)- SLUDGE problem confirmed

George Selby gselby4x4 at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 3 14:35:46 EDT 2005

At 01:08 PM 8/3/05, you wrote:
>I feel the 10% is a cop out. As you state, you must be over the mileage 
>spec before they will do the service. A person that drives a lot and 
>doesn't get into the dealer until a week or two after the service reminder 
>can easily go over 10%.

I find 1000 miles perfectly reasonable amount to 'allow' for overage in 
mileage for oil changes, especially considering the change interval is 
10000 miles (If it were 3000 miles maybe 10% would be a little extreme. I 
wouldn't leave oil in my car for 10000 miles no matter what the 
manufacturer said.)  If you drive so frequently that you can do 1000 miles 
in a week (I drive around 750/week, but I'm a delivery driver,) well, you 
need to anticipate your mileage better so you can schedule maintenance in a 
timely manner.  After all, if you drive that much, your car is a working 
tool, and therefore needs to be cared for better than most people care for 
their vehicle.  BTW, you don't have to go to Audi to have the oil changed, 
you can have it done anywhere (as long as you have a record of it,) and it 
will still maintain your warranty.

Also, I have a feeling that if you show up at 19,000 miles and specifically 
state, CHANGE THE OIL, then they will do it.  If you just drop off your car 
for some other service then they won't.

On a side line of attack - did you buy the car from a VW or Audi 
dealer?  If so they had access to the service records, and should have 
disclosed the potential warranty problems caused by the PO's lack of timely 
service.  I can see some liability on the dealer's part if they did not.

George Selby 

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