aaaargh no start problem

KWSTURTZ syfer at
Fri Aug 5 12:24:41 EDT 2005

Alan Pritchard wrote:

>Ok here goes, the 90q (2.3 ng) is going, a friend of mine is taking it
>for a project :-(
>But, I wanted to get her running before he had her away
>Heres what ha been done
>I swapped the head
>Refitted t belt, checked that the flywheel mark and the back of the cam
>pulley line up, also verified that the lobes were upwards.
>Refitted the dizzy ensuring the rotor arm lined up with the notch on the
>dizzy body
>Refitted the dizzy cap ensuring the correct firing order
>I have spark
>I have fuel
>But she is not even trying to start :-(
>Everything ran fine before I took her apart, only other thing that has
>changed is that I have refitted the original cam shaft as opposed to the
>schrick 272
> With the ignition on you can rotate the dizzy and here the fp prime as
>it passes through the hall sensor
>I don't know where to go from here people :-(
>Best Regards
>Alan Pritchard 
>Network Administrator 
>R&M Electrical Group Limited 
>Tel: +44 (0)23 8068 6610 
>Mob: +44 (0)7870 164812
>R&M Electrical Group Limited
>Message from: Alan Pritchard
>Message to: quattro at
>Date: 5/8/2005
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>My start problem i had on 90 Tq Pulled my hair out for 10 days turned out to be Vacum leek .. Check and recheck every line.

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