Fedex nightmare

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Tue Aug 9 21:54:49 EDT 2005


  This is more a rant than anything.
 I bought 4 Nokian WR's for Winter use on one of my
V8Q's from the Capt Hap Maguire (SP?). He shipped them
out on Monday the 1st of Aug
 & were due to arrive at my house in Ludlow, Ma on the
5th a Friday.
 I get a call from my Wife saying that she sighned for
3 tires. I say thats not rite I orderd 4. So I called
the Chicopee Fedex to inquire were the other is? They
say they don't know. So I call the Colarodo office &
they don't know were it is as well. I looked on the
Fedex web site to see whats up with the missing tire &
it says it left Henderson, CO on the 2nd at 8:49 like
the other 3 
but no other info on that tire. So me being the mild
manner kinda guy put up a big stink about how you can
loose a tire. They say they don't now.
 So after talking to a nice lady she assures me that
it's probley in the lost pile & she's going to look
into it. Like weres Waldo.
 Theres more inbetween but I wont prolong this thread
with what I saied which isn't nice at all. So
hopefully I will get the tire soon.
 Anyone ever have this happen to them?
 I even told the lady that I use Brown (UPS) & that
Fedex is a joke! Were sorry sir well do our best to
rectify the situation. Bullsh*t.
 If they can't find it what kind of retrabution do I
 Anyway thanks for the use of the BW.
87 5ksq many mods V8Q donor 5spd conversion
89 200tqa FS
90 200tqa many mods sold & still weeping
90 V8Q Pearl 93k 02 OEM S4 17's, Urs4 sport seats,
stebro exhaust, Porsche "BigReds", sport grill, euro
clear turn signals
93 V8Q Pearl 138k ATS type 10 17's
96 A6qa 167k

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