Hydraulic reservoir cap leak

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Mon Nov 28 15:32:27 EST 2005

Usually when the reservoir starts spraying oil out the cap (fondly referred
to in the archives as Pentosin Fountain, I believe), it's the pump sucking
air.    Your year pump would have crush washers on the banjo bolts where
the hoses connect to the pump.  If those bolts have been removed and
reinstalled without new crush washers, you could have a leak there.  I
guess it would be on the line from the reservoir.  The pumps also are known
to suck air through the seal around the shaft that carries the drive
pulley.  A new seal for that shaft is included in the kit of new seals for
the pump.

At 02:58 PM 11/28/2005 -0500, MWoodland at Dentsply.com wrote:
>Hello folks,
>I've read the archives somewhat exhaustively on the subject, and the only
>commonality is that Pentosin does indeed leak from the reservoir  cap some
>It has been attributed to:
>1. Bad Accumulators
>2. Bad Pumps
>3. Bad Brake Servos
>Rather than throw money wholesale at Gina ('86 5KTQA), could anyone shed
>some light on this?
>She's been off the road for the last 3 years.. getting her beauty rest, and
>has just bounced back with new rotors, pads, calipers, e-brake cables, and
>a gutted proportioning valve.
>She stops better than ever, and the fluid level is midway between the  Max
>and Min lines.
>Could it be as simple as a leaking cap (the gasket looks perfect)?
>I'll start running diagnostics tonight, but wanted to consult the Oracle
>first, as to BTDTs.
>As a Plan B, Has anyone replaced the Brake Booster with a vacuum booster
>off a 4KQ? I've heard tell of it in the past, and as I'm typically off the
>boost when I'm on the brakes, it makes more sense to me. I'd just go into
>the backup pump and remove the pistons dedicated to the high pressure
>circuit, keeping the low pressure circuit active for the P.S. That would
>pull the hydraulic accumulator and booster from the circuit, leaving me
>better suited to face the next 100,000 miles.
>Again, any BTDTs would be appreciated.
>Best regards,
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