Type 85/fuel pressure regulator

SuffolkD@aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Wed Oct 26 15:36:01 EDT 2005

> Worldpac vendors have them.
> quattro123.com on the 4000 page has a picture of one and sources I think.

-Scott by BOSTON

> I have been rewoking an 87 4kq recently and have come across faulty 
> operation of FPR...is my understanding these don't generally go "bad" ; they 
> obviously don't come apart(and Audi wants close to $300. )--so how do you clean one 
> out .   Have taken care of cleaning up the ISV with some B-12 Chemtool carb. 
> cleaner and it seems to have worked well .  One day -- EFI , but until then I 
> need to work with what I have in the car.   Any insight would be appreciated 

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